Training Course Styles

Training Course Syles

Training Course Discussion

Although full-day courses are very popular.

It’s also true that different durations can be hugely beneficial. This page outlines the different course durations available together with booking recommendations.

When thinking about how long you need a course to be consider what you need to achieve. Then compare that to how easy it will be for the people involved to give up time to education. This will usually give you a good compromise.

Also, remember to take advantage of online training. It can be much easier to arrange focused training remotely than to gather people at a single location.

Full Day Training

The classic Training Course format. Classes typically start at 9.30 am and carry on until 4.00 pm. 

Half-Day Training

Ideal for when only a few hours of training is required If you prefer a Full Day course can be broken down into two half days.

Short Sessions

Ideal for when only a few hours of training is required If you prefer a Full Day course can be broken down into two half days.

Remote or in Person

Remote Training takes place via Teams or Zoom. It is currently the preferred training format. Remote training removes the unexpected issues that can stem from travel. It’s also easier for training delegates to see both the trainer’s work and each other. This can be highly beneficial.

Course Types Available for  Remote Training

  • Full-Day
  • Half-Day
  • Short Sessions
In-person training for clients who prefer a classroom-based approach. Due to travel requirements that come with in-person training, all classroom-based teaching is considered to be full-day.

Course Types Recommended for In-Person Training

  • Full-Day
  • Half-Day with an AM and PM session
  • Short Sessions – with two – four sessions to make best use of the time


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